Access MONROE platform

MONROE platform is now open for experimentation! As of 1st September, 2018, all you need to do is to send a request to

The MONROE Alliance  offers three different affiliation models depending on the subscription and partnership access. These are:

  • REGULAR USER fee gives access to a 6 months subscription with a limited access to data (100GB) and time quota (100 hours) per month. The fee for regular users is 2 500 EUR for up to 6 months usage.
  • GOLD USER subscription covers 5 ’regular users’ fees. These  have prioritised access to the platform as well as the MONROE database. An annual fee of 15 000 EUR is charged.
  • PARTNERs are included in the core community developing, maintaining and sustaining the platform. Partners have the possibility to provide the platform with HW/SW extensions as well as deploy new nodes. All partners will be part of all decision processes. This type of membership gives a prioritised access to the platform. For a full partnership, at least an annual contribution of the Gold user (15 000 EUR) and being part of the development team is expected. The partnership applications will be subject to a selection procedure.

To know about what we do, what type of experiments you can run or read the user manual, visit our github repository  here:

If you would like to read more about the platform, check out our MONROE experience paper “Experience: An Open Platform for Experimentation with Commercial Mobile Broadband Networks”