
COSMOTE Mobile Telecomunications

FERON Technologies


MOVEMENT responded to the MONROE’s 1st Open Call, aiming at adding significant value to the existing MONROE platform through the provision of an open access “toolbox” of innovative components developed upon the MONROE open platform. The delivered extensions support the experimentation and analysis of popular data, voice and video streaming services over public or private/experimental 4G/Wi-Fi mobile data networks.

The main contributions of MOVEMENT project can be summarised as follows:

  1. The deployment of new monitoring nodes in a country not included in the existing MONROE network. Specifically, MOVEMENT has geographically expanded the measurement network, by deploying a set of new nodes for monitoring COSMOTE’s 2G/3G/HSPA/ HSPA+/4G/4G+ network in Greece.
  2. The provision of automated experimentation capabilities for testing data, voice and video streaming services in 4G and WiFi radio networks, thus promoting the experimentation-as-a- service MONROE concept. Towards this direction, a set of client and server agents have been developed for performing large-scale network benchmarking campaigns, along with smartphone-based control applications, as well as front-end and back-end infrastructure for collecting the measurements, post-processing the results and visualizing the obtained QoS and QoE metrics.
  3. The investigation and enabling of 4G-WiFi offloading experimentation within the MONROE platform, reflecting scenarios where traffic does not pass directly through a 4G connection, but routed through locally installed WiFi APs.
  4. The deployment and configuration of a low-cost private and VoLTE-capable “network-in-a- box” experimental network. A private experimental platform using 4G eNBs based on SDRs along with open/commercial server tools (EPC, IMS, SIP), and VoLTE capable smartphones, was deployed for testing VoLTE and data services in fully controlled conditions.

Open Source code is available here: