Open Call 1

Building and operating a mobile broadband (MBB) testbed is the key goal of the MONROE project. Such a testbed, however, cannot be built without the feedback of the experimenters who are the main users of it. Therefore, external users are in the core of the MONROE project.

The external experimenters (third parties ) in MONROE project were financed via two OPEN CALLS. The calls were competitive and all applications were independently evaluated based on their degree of innovation, scientific excellence and/or industrial relevance, and suitability in scale and complexity of the experiment. Each proposal was reviewed by reviewers from both academia and industry and by at least one external reviewer.

Through the first competitive open call, MONROE aimed to involve the external users in the design process of the testbed to create a platform that met the expectations of its users. The experimenters selected through the first open call had access to the prototype platform. They were allowed to run active/passive measurements as well as propose protocol experiments, which required active traffic generation and SW support from the MONROE consortium. They proposed further SW extensions to the platform as well as HW extensions to the infrastructure. Since the experimenters had access to the prototype system, they provided SW/HW extensions and/or feedback that was used to refine the platform to its final version.

Call information
Call name: First MONROE Open Call for Experiments and Extensions
Total budget: 1,800,000 Euros
Number of proposals to be funded: up to 12
Maximum funding per proposal: 150,000 Euros
Number of partners per proposal: The target number of participants per proposal is maximum 2.
Type of participants: The profile of participants is academics, industry or SMEs active in research and/or development of mobile broadband technologies, protocols and/or applications. The rules of participation are the same as for any H2020 proposal.
Call deadline: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 at 17:00h CET (Brussels time)
Starting date: June, 2016

The MONROE consortium funded the following 12 proposal from a total number of 40 proposals received during the first open call: