
Nextworks (NXW), located in Pisa (Italy), is a very dynamic SME that was created in 2002 by a group of engineers and computer scientists as a spin-off company of the Department of Computer Science and Telecommunications (DITEL) of Consorzio Pisa Ricerche (CPR), in order to exploit the vast experience gained since 1995 in the context of National and International research projects and consulting activities.

NXW operates in the IT and Telecommunications sectors. The company has long-term experience and proved skills in the frameworks of wireless, access and transport networks, digital video encoding and transport, control and automation, design and development of complex software systems on both traditional and embedded platforms. The consulting activities range from pure support consulting to long-term, third-party design & developments of protocol stacks for equipment vendors.

Role in the project

The main tasks of NXW in the project concern the deployment and maintenance of the MONROE nodes, starting from the acquisition of materials and relationship with providers to providing the logistics and to the deployment itself, serving also as the WP leader for WP2. For this, NXW is providing its wide experience in the deployment and maintenance of IoT and control and automation facilities. These activities completely fit with NXW main business line related activities.

Furthermore, NXW will also support in the development of the platform that will be used by the experimenters to perform and track the results of their experiments. In this sense, NXW will contribute with its experience in development of IoT management platforms, which includes the development of native mobile applications, web systems, etc. NXW will also contribute its long term expertise in the remote maintenance of IoT facilities and installations, and in on-field intervention.

Last but not least, NXW will provide its wide market experience and vision both in the definition of experiments to be performed over WiFi networks and in the definition of an appropriate exploitation strategy for MONROE’s results.

Key personnel

  • Nicola Ciulli
  • Giodi Giorgi
  • Andrea Gronchi