Simula Research Laboratory

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Dedicated to tackling scientific challenges with long-term impact and of genuine importance to real life, Simula Research Laboratory (SRL) offers an environment that emphasises and promotes basic research. Simula is also involved in research education and application-driven innovation and commercialisation. The laboratory is an internationally leading research institution within select fields in information and communications technology (ICT). These fields are communication systems; scientific computing, aiming at fast and reliable solutions of mathematical models in biomedicine; and software engineering.

Role in the project

SRL acts as the project coordinator  and as such has the overall responsibility for both the technical work and management of the project. Dr. Özgü Alay serves as the project coordinator and leads the management activities (WP6). At SRL research and management staff supports her with extensive experience in the technical areas of MONROE as well as on coordinating large research projects and administering EU projects. In particular, SRL brings a strong research background in MBB networks, multi-path protocols and wireless networks that will contribute to experiments (WP3) especially for the identification of key MBB parameters. SRL is also experienced in building testbeds such as NorNet Core and NorNet Edge. This experience will be fostered in the system design, implementation and hardware deployment (WP1 and WP2). The experience gained by operating and maintaining these testbeds will be utilised in maintenance and user support activities (WP4 and WP5). SRL will also contribute to dissemination and exploitation activities and commit resources for sustainability of the platform after the project ends.

Key personnel in MONROE:

  • Dr. Özgü Alay
  • Dr. Ahmed Elmokashfi
  • Chad Jarvis
  • Andra Lutu 
  • Cise Midoglu