
Telenor Group is one of the world’s major mobile operators with 166 million mobile subscriptions and a workforce of more than 33 000 domestically and abroad. The company has mobile operations in 13 markets with strong footprint in Central Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia. Telenor holds a leading Nordic position in mobile, broadband, Internet and TV services.

Telenor Research conducts research on new technology and service opportunities, changing consumer behaviour, changing regulatory regimes, the competitive environment and new technology platforms driving changes in the ecosystem. Telenor Research has extensive cooperation with industry and other research establishments at home and abroad, securing access to leading edge knowledge. Telenor has participated in a number of international projects, mainly under the direction of the EU (RACE, ACTS, FP5, FP6 and FP7), CELTIC, and COST, in addition to making contributions to various standardization bodies including ETSI, ITU, IETF, TMForum and 3GPP.

Role in the project

Telenor will lead WP3 (Experiments). Based on knowledge in mobile network operations and offerings and our customer centric orientation Telenor will contribute to the design, execution and assessment of experiments. Exploring QoE and its dependence on network level and service level QoS will be in focus considering popular services and applications such as video streaming, web browsing, social networking, cloud storage and communication services. Telenor competence in radio and wireless networks as well as core network solutions is expected help ensuring proper designed of measurements and experiments so that different mobile network properties and conditions are considered.Telenor will contribute to WP1 aiming at identifying and defining proper use cases as well as identifying and analyzing relevant solution and platform requirements to enable and support the anticipated experiments in an effective way. Telenor will also contribute to WP7.

Key personnel

  • Dr. Min Xie
  • Pål Grønsund
  • Håkon Lønsethagen