First MONROE open call results

The review process for the First MONROE Open Call has been completed and we are pleased to announce the external project proposals that have been conditionally accepted for funding.
These 12 were selected among 40 applications.

  • Performance of Web RTC-enabled services on the MONROE platform Acronym: PoWeR, Industrial Innovation, N. Amram Technologies Ltd, Israel.
  • Mobile Network Analytics for Apps Performance Design: Napplytics, Scientific Excellence, EUROB CREATIVE and UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA, Spain.
  • Quality-of-Experience of adaptive video streaming in mobile broadband networks: Nestor, Industrial Innovation, StreamOwl (SO) and Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Greece.
  • Software defined network based available bandwidth measurement in MONROE: Sometime, Scientific Excellence, University of Napoli Federico II, Italy.
  • Movement: Extending and Experimenting upon the MONROE platform towards Voice and VidEo StreaMing AssEssmeNT in Mobile Networks, Industrial Innovation, COSMOTE Mobile Telecommunications S.A. and FERON TECHNOLOGIES P.C. Greece.
  • AFFORDABLE LTE NETWORK BENCHMARKING BASED ON MONROE Acronym: Monroe-LTE, Industrial Innovation, Allbesmart LDA, Portugal.
  • Software Radio for Measuring Mobile Broadband Networks: Sophia, Scientific Excellence, Software Radio Systems, Ireland.
  • Maril-in-Monroe Measurement Adaptation and Reporting in LTE, Scientific Excellence, University of the Basque Country, Spain.
  • Rapid Interpretation and Cross-Experiment Root-Cause Analysis in Network Data with Orange: Ricercando, Scientific Excellence, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • Prioritisation and Resilience for Emergency Communications: PREC, Scientific Excellence, University of Aberdeen Court, Scotland.
  • Monitoring and Analysis of Quality of Experience in Mobile Broadband Networks: Mobi-QoE, Scientific Excellence, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH Tran-Gia Informationstechnik GmbH, Austria.
  • Utility-based Networking experiments for Improving QUality of Experience in mobile broadband environments: Unique, Scientific Excellence, Institute of Communications & Computer Systems (ICCS) and Incelligent (Incel), Greece.